Well…. Summer has officially arrived and it is Hot HoT HOT!!! Please please please remember to change your filters!
In order to function properly air conditioners need air flow. Unobstructed air flow to be exact. A clogged filter can diminish air supply, increase your energy costs, can cause your coil to freeze (no bueno) or your furnace to over heat (also no bueno). We recommend you change your filter for a furnace/ac system AT LEAST 4 times per year. If you have pets, excessive dust or are doing any construction in the home, change it 1 time per month. Buy the cheapies. Don’t go spending $30 on a filter. By a $3 filter and by 10 of them. Change them often to keep your home nice, comfy and healthy throughout all of the seasons.
Common question… How do I know if I have a Furnace or a Boiler? The easiest way to know is a boiler = radiators and furnace = vents (no radiators) . If you have a furnace (vents, no radiators) you need change your filter in the winter months as well as in the summer months.
One last tip: Your outdoor condensing unit.. (like the picture below) ALSO needs sufficient air flow. So make sure it is not obstructed by trash cans or bushes. Hose it off to get any debris, dryer lint, dirt etc. off of the exterior of the unit.
Need help? Give us a call 215-427-3228